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  • Writer's pictureBea Konyves

What's my age again? #23

I have no idea how old I was when I first heard blink-182 - What’s My Age Again. What I do remember, is that 23 felt aeons into the future. Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? And oh my, my am I having a lot of fun!

A couple of days before turning 18 I made a wish. I decided I want to create DEIS UK. Something magic must’ve happened in me that day because I’ve been walking that path ever since. On my 18th birthday, I was a volunteer at a national youth work festival. On my 19th birthday, I was doing the youth worker course in Romania. Fast-forward to my 23rd birthday, and here I am training the first generation of DEIS UK volunteers.

‘Working on your birthday, Bea? Isn’t that a bit workaholic?’ you might ask.

Well, I like to celebrate by doing something that I love. Youth work brings me joy. If I have an opportunity to do it on my birthday it’s like a little gift for me. Don’t worry, every time I work on my birthday, I also hang out with my loved ones in a non-work environment before the day is over.

I’m thinking about achievements or goals that I’d like to associate with being 23 and, honestly, I don’t have a list. I just want to keep on going.

Since I turned 22, I feel like I’ve levelled up. I’ve been involved in a multitude of projects. Started my MA and then my first (official) job through uni. Got engaged. Facilitated plenty of workshops, including my first international workshop! Did 6 sessions of therapy and became more aware of my body, heart, and mind. Started going to Yoga and then Pilates. Organised plenty of events and secured funding for DEIS UK. Completed various courses. Met some wonderful people. And probably much more. Of course, there are also things that I couldn’t accomplish (finish writing my novel, for example), but here’s a new year to get all that done. I’m in no rush.

It feels somewhat easier to accept the fact that I am 23 than it was for 21 or 22. With all the development I got in the last year, I think it suits me. I’ve also been told (by more than one person) that I have a very nice youth-ish energy. I’m still processing that information and trying to integrate it into my day-to-day life, but I resonate with it on all levels. Perhaps I’m confident enough to allow myself to be playful and relaxed. There is also congruence between my inner and public self. I feel authentic.

I have no clue if this is what 23 should feel like, but one thing is for sure…

I never wanna act my age

What’s my age again?

What’s my age again?

P.S. People do actually like you even when you’re 23!

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