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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Wednesday or A little bit of everything

There’s nothing more representative of what I do on a daily basis than my desk. In the pic below, you can see a combination of uni - dissertation & novel - and work notes.

I started today with a really nice meeting with Maurice. Got home to make some phone calls, arrange some interviews, and put some project details together. After all of that was done, I turned up my writing music (I found different playlists for my three protagonists) and got some writing done.

Speaking of my novel, I got the flow of it now. I can just sit down and write any time. Which is absolutely awesome! I don’t know every next step, I don’t even want to, but I know my milestones and I’m confident that I’ll manage to travel seamlessly from one to the other.

No work on my dissertation today, but I’ve done enough on this Wednesday.

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