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Writer's pictureBea Konyves


Today is what I would call a BIG DAY! V and I had our first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer, if you’re wondering). J will also have hers in the next couple of days. We’re both feeling okay-ish, experiencing some of the ‘very common’ side-effects - sore arm, V has a headache and I have tiredness. But nothing too severe. I’ll update you tomorrow.

After getting the jab, I had to go straight to a meeting and since we were done a lot quicker than expected and the weather was absolutely perfect (20°C, sunny) I decided to walk all the way to the meeting place. It was such a nice walk. Listening to music, breathing in the fresh London air.

It’s the small things that matter. If getting a little needle prick is what’s going to allow me to see friends and family, then so be it. I had hundreds of them when I did my tattoo. Side effects? They’ll pass. We wouldn’t be doing this if it wouldn’t be safe.

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