Three Years Later
This is one of my first pictures as a writer. I think I was just posting a set of pictures or a last-minute post to attract people to one of our activities. After this, I started to get more and more pictures reading, writing, working… Look at me now. I grew a lot in three years, but the smile on my face is still there when I write.
A long, long time ago at Centrul de Tineret Baia Mare I was making the first steps on the road of writing. I remember learning to create a Facebook event, discovering how to make the best posts to attract people, trying this and that. One day a youth worker noticed my skills. Then, Diana and Bibi started giving me more PR tasks, helping me grow. The rest is history.
I began my blogging ‘career’ on the youth centre’s Facebook page. At that time, I was just a teenager exploring the world of articles, writing about everything that was on my mind.
We are young, teenagers to be more specific. We all have our problems and our dramas and we all need to know that we are not alone.
I don’t think I can call myself a teenager anymore, but I am still young. A young adult, I guess. And I believe it is time to bring some new thoughts into the articles I wrote 3 years ago. My writing style has improved a lot since I wrote those articles. Back then, I would pack many concepts and ideas into one text, I would try to explain them in too many words as I was scared of people misunderstanding me. That’s why my average reading time was around 9 minutes (now it’s like 4 - 5 minutes).
Now, after 3 years of development, I want to rewrite those articles. Initially, there were only 6 articles, but because some are way too long, they will turn into many shorter articles and translate them. I made some good points there and I feel it would be a shame to give up on them just because they’re written in a very complicated manner.
It will take a lot of time, no doubt, but I am willing to do this. I will post each article once it is done with conceptual pictures made by Jeanine. Between the old articles, I will most probably post new ones when something worthy of writing will occur and, of course, I will continue to post the Adventures of the Muddy Shoes daily.
Here are the links to the original articles (Romanian only) if you are curious:
Ce să faci cu suferinţa? (What to do with misery?)
Iluzia basmelor (The illusion of fairy tales)
O perspectivă despre sinucidere (A perspective on suicide)
Noi vs. Manipulare (Us vs. Manipulation)
Să ne uităm în oglindă (Let’s look in the mirror)
Tipare & Prejudecăți (Patterns & Prejudices)