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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Thinking about research

One of the reasons I decided to do my MA part-time is because I want to have enough time to focus on my dissertation. I keep thinking about my initial idea of writing about youth participation and involvement, and this idea keeps growing.

This morning I finished Tania de St Croix’s ‘Grassroots Youth Work: Policy, passion, and resistance in practice’. It was an excellent read and it made me think a lot about what I do as a youth worker and about DEIS and its goals, values, and way of work. I feel more motivated than ever to keep on going. That motivation also made me think about my dissertation, and I somehow came up with this fancy research topic. Listen here:

From Participant to Decision-Maker: How youth participation encourages the formation of organic intellectuals* (in the shape of youth workers, and maybe not only)

It makes sense in my head and right now that’s all that matters. We’ll see where this goes. I’m also thinking about case studies, comparisons between the UK and Romania, telling some stories… One thing is certain: I’m excited to start this MA!

* Organic intellectuals → a concept I discovered in ‘Gramsci’s Common Sense

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