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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

There was an attempt to be productive today

And I was! For a few hours in the morning when my energy is at astronomical levels. But then, I sank into the bean bag and finished SK’s ‘The Institute’, and I decided to live the rest of this day there.

I started this eBook - ‘Snow Crash’ by Neal Stephenson - and have been reading it on and off. If you follow me on Goodreads, you’ll see that I’ve had it as ‘Currently Reading’ for a while. A dystopia about the Metaverse. I couldn’t get fully immersed until now because I was mostly reading it on my phone when I didn’t have other books with me, but now I turned my full attention to it. Right when things are getting interesting.

Yes, that is ice cream. I’m an adult. I can eat ice cream whenever I want. Thank you for your understanding!

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