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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

The Spontaneous Life of a Youth Worker

I was expecting today to be a mostly uneventful Thursday. I say ‘mostly’ because I was going to have a call with a young person who wanted to interview me about my volunteering experience. So it wouldn’t have been an uneventful Thursday anyway.

Unfortunately, I had to postpone the interview to tomorrow. Why? Because right when my story writing class was about to start, I got a text from Diana asking me if I can talk about youth work in a live event today. Of course, I accepted.

As a youth worker, life is spontaneous. As Diana was saying today - we are free spirits; in our ‘job’, we have the good rules plus our personal and professional values, but not the bad, limiting, rules. Therefore we can and should be flexible and adaptable. I love being a youth worker.

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