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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Some theatre

Yesterday I was taken to the theatre - * was taken * because, I repeat, as much as I love theatre, I do not have the mental energy to search for plays and all that. Especially in London where your options are absolutely overwhelming. Luckily, I have friends like Jeanine and Petra who will just send me a link and say ‘let’s go’. Thank you!

We saw TRUTH'S A DOG MUST TO KENNEL’ with/by Tim Crouch at the Battersea Arts Centre. I could try to explain what it was about, but it’s a little complicated - it was basically Tim Crouch with a VR headset immersed in Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’, but also playing the non-VR representation of the Fool. Does it make sense? No? It’s okay, it’s not really meant to make sense. What matters is that I enjoyed it.

There is a moment where Crouch talks about how theatre is dead… Maybe I’m in some kind of denial, but I don’t think it is. I’d rather travel on the overground for one hour to see a play than watch a film. Maybe it’s just me… but the theatre was full of people who decided to take their time. Theatre-going people. A beautiful kind of people. I love going to the theatre.

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