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  • Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Research * tactics*

One of the topics we covered at uni was space and (because I’m studying anthropo(s)-logy) how people use it. There is a strategy - the intended way to use space - and a tactic - how the space is actually used. The best example is THAT grass-less line (tactic) cutting through a place that can be detoured via the pavement (strategy).

My second essay is on

Q6. With reference to examples, discuss the impact of digital media on the practice of youth and community work?

I want to write about the fact that a digital presence is key to community building via WhatsApp groups, for example, but also time-consuming and it can give/take your legitimacy as an organisation.

I discovered a research tactic today. I read some of the key texts on digital practice, media, and the internet (from the reading list), but I still needed some books/articles to support my argument. I knew they ought to be out there somewhere! Now, according to my usual research strategy, I skim them through the useful ones, make notes, and save them in a separate folder. However, I’m still researching under pressure here, so I just downloaded them, read the abstracts, saved the ones that seemed like they might be useful, and I will read them if/when I need them.

Side-note: I will try to write my essay this way tomorrow. If I feel it’s not going well, I’ll take a step back and return to my usual approach. I have enough time even though I don’t feel like it.

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