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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Planning shoes

Look at us/our shoes, planning Music in the Streets. We are officially opening our call for musicians tomorrow, and therefore we had to:

- prep the social media post

- design flyers

- create the sign-up form

- discuss the details of the live performance with artFix

We ended up doing a lot more than that which just means less work over the next few days.

All this work is really exciting and it’s worth it. artFix is such an amazing partner - from excellent coffee to incredible event organising skills. There are so many possibilities for the future, but the first next step is getting proper funding for them. Definitely doable, it just takes some time.

Until then, I wear Converse most of the time and J wears Vans most of the time. Don't any of you wanna sponsor a little youth NGO from London to do cool things with and for young people? Please? Pretty please?

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