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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Petra takeover!

In Mimi Zhu’s book, ‘Be Not Afraid of Love’, community is regarded as something essential and necessary for the thriving of an individual. I couldn’t agree more. As a person who lives on their own, a sense of community in my life is something very precious to me. From the small talks on the Tube, drunk chats in Lewisham, walks with my loved ones, and even organised community events, I believe these are among the things that make life magical.

This belief materialised in a personal dream of mine, which was to curate a poetry night. I think there is no other medium better than art and literature that creates communities and connects people from different backgrounds. As a poet, it is my great honour to voice in a choir of amazing young talents.

In a collaboration between the Creative Writing @grecwsociety and English Lit Society @greenglitsoc, University of Greenwich will be hosting our Poetry Night on the 23rd of February.

If you’re interested in performing, please message me (@thenameispetra). If you’re just coming for a listen, you’re more than welcome.

Many thanks to Bea for featuring me on her blog!

Bea’s note: Thank you, Petra for writing this! Can’t wait for the Poetry Night!
P.S. (from Bea) I’ll be reading a few short stories at the event - my first time reading anything out loud to an audience!

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