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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Page 174/1211

The weather is getting super hot once again and therefore I shall avoid the outside as much as possible in the afternoon. My productivity levels are low after 1 or 2 pm anyway, so this can only mean one thing - reading time! I’m only at page 174 in ‘The Stand’, but I have a couple of thoughts to share.

→ Despite the multiple perspectives beginning, the novel starts closing in on the protagonists, which is really good. Their stories are remarkable and their circumstances trigger the reader’s empathy. King knows how to make you feel attached to his characters (before he traumatises or kills them).

→ This book hits different post-COVID. What if… there was an extremely deadly mutation of the flu virus? King could only speculate, but in 2022 we know the panic, the downplay and/or exaggeration of the situation, the confusion, and the carelessness. It’s way too accurate.

I think this is it for now. I’ll be reading this book for a while, so you will most likely get other updates on it. In the meantime, stay safe and drink plenty of water!

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