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  • Writer's pictureBea Konyves

My Blacky


This is the day my childhood ends. After 14 years of being a very good boy, my old friend, Blacky, has passed away peacefully. In his memory, I will share today some of the short stories I wrote as a child in which he is the main character. When you write about someone they become immortal.


Who is my dog, actually?

Blacky is my black doggie, with bangs over his I-don’t-know-what-colour eyes. Blacky is the son of a schnauzer and rottweiler, but he looks more like a schnauzer. However, he is a little shorter than Hades, his father, who is a giant schnauzer. Unfortunately, I don’t know his mother’s name.

Blacky is playful. He likes to play with plastic bottles. He’s also smart: first, he takes off the cap and then throws the bottle and jumps to catch it. Do you know what he does to be petted? He puts his snout under your hand until your hand reaches his head and then he waits.

Let me tell you a secret! Blacky talks, and I understand him. But how does he talk? All dogs can talk, it’s just that humans don’t understand them.

Be careful! Your favourite animals also talk! Love them and take care of them! You just need to pay attention and you will understand them.


My oath, Blacky the Doggo

Hi! My name is Blacky, I am the Konyves’s dog and now I am 4 years old. Now meaning the year 2010. I will tell you a story that happened when I was about 6 months old. It’s about the day I swore loyalty to my humans.

I should also mention that Hadess and Mara are my dad and step-mother and that Bea, my youngest human whom I call my twin, can talk to dogs and other animals. Ah, I almost forgot! Negro, Butterly, Mali, Lucy, Missy and Ricky also took the oath, Ear-Less conducted the ceremony and Franklin not only was in charge of all arrangements but also he made us look good and brought musicians - he’s my favourite turtle.

It was Friday, a beautiful May Friday when I get a note from Negro telling me that I need to be at my parent’s house so Ear-Less can take me where I need to swear my loyalty towards the Konyves’s.

- Bea, Bea!

- What is it, buddy? Why are you shouting like a crazy dog?

- Negro told me we need to go to the ceremony!

So the two of us, Bea and I, started towards the ceremony. Oh! Franklin is behind us! My God, we need to wait for a turtle! What have we become! I think. We turn around. I take Franklin on my back and go on. We arrive at my parents’ house.

- Son, what are you doing here? Oh, hello woof, Bea! says mum scared as always.

We greet each other (my family, including Bea) ‘hello woof!’. This is our greeting. What can one do? I don’t like it either, but that’s the tradition.

- Well, look, mama, we are going to the ceremony! He is Franklin, he manages the ceremony. Hey, Less! Look, Bea, Missy, Mali and Ricky! (Less, that’s how we call Ear-Less.)

- Hello! My respect, Mara and Hades! Let’s go, all of us!

We arrive at the school. We get into Lucy’s yard. She also swore her loyalty. It’s so beautiful there! Garlands, flowers, inflatable bones… and a nice orchestra made up by Azorel, the other Blaky (without a ‘c’), Sucy, Dana and Roky (our neighbours’ dogs)

The band starts the song. We are on. Less begins:

- We swear...

- We swear loyalty, reverence, respect and love to our families! We swear we will protect them to our last breath! We will love them and respect them!

- Now recite the oath poem! I will begin. If… says Less.

- If you can happily protect your humans,

Keep the secret of all dogs,

If you can not talk all the time,

Even though that’s what you would always do.

If you never leave your human,

If you always help in need,

If you are funny in sad moments

And you do it well,





This is my oath and I will never break it. I want you all to know I am very proud of myself!


If I Were President for a Day

It is Saturday morning and I wake up in the morning as usual with a weird dream. That happens every Saturday. I wake up and as I always say it cannot be real. Ah, what a destiny! It actually...happened.

Around noon in front of my house, I see a huge red limo, with a special entrance for dogs. I get in and wonder why doesn’t it start. Oh, it was waiting for Blacky, my dog.

We both arrive at the president’s residence where we get off. When we get in there I see a beautiful president costume awaiting for me and some special sleeves and a red bow tie. I was the president and he was the vice-president. On the table, there were many papers to sign. Blacky and I only chose what seemed more important to us.

When I open my drawer I see all my favourite foods. In Blacky’s drawer, many other treats. I open another drawer. In it, I find a folder with ‘Things I want to change’ written on it.

- Let’s see… In school...

- They should teach dog-language!

- Dog-language?

- Yes! I know who can do it! I hope Negro, Butterly, Ear-Less, Mali and Missy will have time. I can work too if necessary! says Blacky.

- Don’t you want me to call Dari, maybe Ricky wants to join too?

- Good idea!

- Hello, Dari?

- Yes! Hello! How are you?

- I am the president for a day! And let’s not forget! Blacky is the vice-president!

- Wow, that’s cool! And why did you call me?

- I wanted to ask if you allow Ricky to be a dog-language teacher.

- Ricky, do you want to be a dog-language teacher? He nods, he agrees.

- Perfect! I hang up the phone. It’s solved, I tell Blacky. Now let’s see… Clothing. Dogs should wear bowties, ties or bandanas and only collars that match their fur! Do you like it? says I.

- Yeeeeeeeeees! replies Blacky happily.

- Now let’s check human clothing: only clothes that look extra awesome on them and don’t get dirty so they can play with animals all the time.

- Awesomeeeeee!

One of the president’s councillors comes into our office with his cat.

- Madam, the president is obliged for replacing him today! When he will return, he will take a look over the new programme, says the councillor.

- Okay! But can we keep the clothes?

- Yes! answered the cat after a brief discussion with her human.

After a few days, mister president called to let me know they agreed with my programme. We were so happy! Blacky told everyone in no time and all the teachers are ready to start now.


The Visit

It was a beautiful Saturday. It was the day when the king of dogs, Dogarius the Third, was turning exactly 50 dog-years old. It is believed that he is the son of Dogus, an ancient god from Dog Greece.

- Bea, Blacky says to me, you know our king, I told you about him a while ago… Will you, please, come with me to the Bone Castle? It is the king’s, Dogarius’s, birthday.

- Of course! Anything, you are my twin!

- Good! Then I shall call for a flying - tram, it’s for dogs but I think they can accept you! Ah, we should wait for mum and dad!

- No, we don’t! Hello woof, Mara and Hades!

- Hello woof, Bea and Blacky!

We, the three musketeers who were actually four, get in the flying - tram. We arrive at the castle.

- Good evening! we say at the same time.

- Hello! Who is she?

- She is Bea, my twin, and she can understand us, dogs; I assume you can let her in?

- Sure! The rest of you, please introduce yourselves.

- I am Mara.

- I am Hades, her husband.

- I am Blacky, their son! Actually, I am the real son of my father, mum is actually my step-mum.

Inside we passed through some huge corridors, made out of clay bones and in the throne room I see a poodle. He was the king. We all bowed for like five minutes. King Dogarius tells us to stand up. We give him the gift. It was a SUPERIOUS quality bone, that we got from the president itself. (Do you remember? We are almost presidents.) His Majesty says:

- Dear Beatrix, Blacky’s twin, I shall hand you this medal and this badge as a symbol of you knowing our secret. When you will get home, only you and the rest of the animals will see it.

- Your Majesty, thank you a lot! I never thought I will get a medal for this. Thank you, your Majesty!

When we got home I put the medal and the badge in a special place, quiet as a mouse. Later, I found out I am allowed to tell you this story because no one will ever believe me anyway.


Show your pets a little more love today and when you feed them, please, think about my Blacky who’s now in Doggo Heaven.

Blacky, you will be forever in our hearts and dog treats. You will be missed.

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