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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Mary’s Diary, Exile, Day 13

I have been informed that today is a Monday. I was aware of it regardless. There is a certain feeling in the air on Mondays. Misery, I presume. And the fragrance of caffeinated beverages. A generous majority of humans does not seem to understand that life is not meant to be lived stressfully.

This is why I found the writer/youth worker human’s mug rather drôle*. Zero [fox] given. Read it out loud. How clever, n'est-ce pas**? I would have preferred a jeu de mots*** with a feline representative, but I would not complain.

I must confess, being exiled with these humans could have been a lot more dreadful.

* fr. funny

** fr. isn’t it?

*** fr. pun/play on words

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