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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Grandpa, Tata

(TW: Loss of a dear family member. This blog is my diary, albeit public, and writing is my way of coping with life - good and bad - and therefore I will write about this here with honesty and openness.)

Mami (mum) called me today. A call that you’re never prepared for… Tata (grandpa) has passed.

I’ve lost my childhood dog in 2020, but I haven’t lost a person until today. It seems that the soul knows better than the mind what we have to do. I needed a park, a tree, a place that Tata would’ve liked, to let my soul catch a glimpse of his. I remembered the song that I always linked with him after hearing it a lifetime ago on a New Year’s Eve at his and grandma’s place. Today I understood its true meaning.

Life is a colourful dream,

That will end one day.

The grave is the last station

The heart goes to rest.

Always have sweet dreams,

Because it doesn’t last long anyway.

The years that pass so fast

Let’s make them happy!

Let’s love each other, children,

The heart is the most beautiful treasure.

There is no word more beautiful than love

In the whole word.

Life goes on anyway,

The grave closes in on itself.

Let’s love each other, children,

For every moment matters!

Life is a colourful dream

To which there is no waking up.

If the colours fade away

Your grave’s already dug.

Let’s laugh away our life

Because it doesn't last long anyway

The years that pass so fast

Let’s make them happy!

Tata is now in a beautiful forest, walking, exploring. Maybe with Pepi, his Dalmatian, by his side. Tata, I’ll take you with me every time I walk into the woods. And I will miss you. Rest in Peace.

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