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  • Writer's pictureBea Konyves

DEIS - 13 and 2 years

DEIS has been around for 13 years. DEIS UK has been around for 2 years. Young people love our projects. Organisations, funders, and businesses love our projects. We’re growing.

7 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined anything like DEIS. Now I refuse to imagine my life without it. And I’m not the only one.

Around this time 7 years ago, I was walking into the Baia Mare Youth Centre for the first time. During a DEIS teambuilding, 6 years ago, I realised I wanted to be a youth worker. 5 years ago, Jeanine and I said we wanted to create DEIS UK. 4 years ago, I came to the UK. 3 years ago, Jeanine came to the UK. 2 years ago we organised our first event here. 1 year ago I started my Master’s in Youth Work. And look at us now with our first volunteer team.

All of this is because 13 years ago a youth worker, Diana, thought that young people could use a structure that would support them to create anything they wanted to see in the world around them.

I write this text feeling very happy and excited, but also overwhelmed and stressed. Arts in the Streets is happening next week. We’ve got another event coming up on the 1st of September. More than anything, we have young people who want to spend more time with us - organise events and projects, hang out, learn, explore, get involved… and we want to do it all. I can’t wait for it! But at the same time, it’s really scary.

DEIS UK is growing very fast. At the same time, we grew with DEIS Ro and we saw it grow too. Everything that happened in the past 7 years has been preparing us for this moment. Still, the anxiety is real…

Will we get enough funding to sustain this organisation?

Will we ever have a space to work with all these young people?

Are we capable to do all this?

…but I also know that the answer is YES to all and any question. Jeanine and I were raised by the most amazing youth workers. The youth workers who made DEIS survive for 13 years and who will keep it alive for many more. We learned how to turn our dreams into wishes and into SMART goals. We learned that every opportunity is an opportunity to learn. We learned that great things come to those who make them happen.

For the past 13 years, young people from Baia Mare, Romania, have had a safe space to discover themselves and to create. For the past 2 years, we have been building the same safe space in London. It’s unbelievable how much young people need this and how few people offer this to them.

Thank you, DEIS Ro, for giving me the chance to become this version of myself. I wouldn't want to be anyone else. To many more years of genuine youth work. May we always find the resources to start projects. Keep on going. ⚡❤️

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