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  • Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Another John Green book

Why, oh why didn't I read John Green as a teenager? I would've enjoyed his books so much! I remember how much I enjoyed direct narratives focused on heavy topics, very similar to "The Fault in our Stars" or "Paper Towns". Some of the novels I read were at least questionable in terms of the quality of writing. But I guess John Green was to popular for my "different" teenage self. He is popular indeed, but he deserves it.

I only started "Paper Towns" yesterday. I'm not too far into it, but I'm already hooked on the story. I like that. I also like that I can allow myself to feel like a teenager, turn off all my knowledge about clichés and tropes, have no expectations, and just enjoy the plot.

Dear Bea from the past,

If I could go back in time I would tell you to read some John Green. And to buy and annotate your first copy of Stephen King's "Pet Sematary". I would've loved to know what you thought then.

With love,

Bea from the present

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