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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

Am I balanced?

Am I balanced? Are my head, feelings, and body in balance with each other? This is the question I will try to focus on this week, after my second therapy session. Of course, I will also continue to check in with my feelings - I think it’s becoming quite natural to do that.

I find it fascinating how everything falls into place once * something * makes sense. Honestly, I feel the same as when I was thirteen and reading relatable zodiac facts on Tumblr, but this time I’m learning facts backed up by real science. I did the Enneagram test ( and discovered that I am mainly a Type 3. The Achiever. What I also discovered is that The Achiever is a heart type who is very good at blocking their feelings in favour of cold productivity and believing that they’re a head type. Me 100%. Also, I’ve ignored the intelligence of my body my whole life, but now I realise that this body is quite smart. Yes, the same body that told me to go for a walk yesterday and try Yoga.

So, now that I’m becoming more aware of my feelings (as you can see in my last few posts), I can start trying to become more aware of my body and my instinctual knowledge as well. I love learning about myself as much as I love studying in school. I am excited about learning. I am enjoying all of this.

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