A sore arm and a reading marathon
I said I'll finish the Ghost Stories this weekend. And I did. Now onto some Stephen King!
I bought "Dreamcatcher" 2 years ago because I saw it was a Stephen King book. Only after I got home did I read the blurb and was a little bit put off... It's about aliens. Every time I want to read another King book, I look at his chronological bibliography and pick the first one I have but haven't read. This came next based on my rule.
So, I was sceptical before opening it. But I'm already 50 pages in and don't want to stop reading. I'm curious what'll happen next. It's just this man's writing style... A perfect mixture of information and suspense. Admittedly, he overused his omniscient narrator power a bit too much in the first part, but it did make sense.
Back to reading!
