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Writer's pictureBea Konyves

A break by the Thames

What a lovely day to go to uni! In the morning, I spent some time in the library and worked on the novel. I’m at 5693 words and, to be honest, I could submit it all tomorrow (6000 - 10% = 5400 so I’m alright with the word count). Of course, I’m not going to do that. There is still a lot of feedback to receive and therefore changes to make. But I’m on the right track.

I would say that spring has come fully on here in London. On the bus, I heard three elderly ladies discussing that it’s going to rain tomorrow. I trust them and I didn’t want to miss my chance to breathe in some fresh air, so I took advantage of this sunny day and took a break by the Thames.

It’s so beautiful and calming. On my way home, I was thinking that I live in a city so different from the one I grew up in, so far away, but not one single bit of my being regrets it. Because this city feels like home.

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